The hilarious comedy trio of Unitard comes to Provincetown for two shows only in an evening of “dangerous adult comedy.” Made up of the combined talents of Mike Albo (former New York Times columnist and author of The Underminer), Nora Burns (of the comedy group The Nellie Olesons) and David Ilku (member of the Dueling Bankheads), Unitard is a series of comic sketches and monologues skewering social, political and sexual mores. Unitard is a wildly twisted, outspoken, fabulous, tested, ready now, comedy group based in New York.
The show is smart, specific and fun with a gay sensibility though some of their most ardent fans are straight. For over 15 years, they have performed from coast to coast and points in between as well as Canada. Savagely funny with a wicked eye for satire you do not want to miss the one night only show!
Thursday, August 9, 9 p.m. and Friday, August 10, 7:30 p.m.
$30/$40, Art House, 214 Commercial St., 508.487.9222.