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ANNOUNCEMENTS: October 8, 2020

Applications Now Open for the Provincetown Performing Arts Fund

The Provincetown Performing Arts Fund (PPAF), in cooperation with the Arts Foundation of Cape Cod and sponsored by The Palette Fund, has raised over $25,000 to support Provincetown’s performing arts community. Applications are now open to receive assistance from the fund. Eligible applicants can apply at provincetownperformingartsfund.com/apply-1.

The COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing necessary venue closures and social distancing measures eliminated all indoor entertainment in Provincetown. This vital, integral part of the tourist destination’s popularity, culture, and most significantly, its economy was in jeopardy. PPAF was created in June by Provincetown entertainers Jonathan Hawkins and Jon Richardson to support those in the performing arts community who are struggling due to loss of income. This includes performance artists, musicians, DJs, theatre professionals, and technical production staff (stage managers, lighting designers, and others.)

The original goal of $10,000 was met in August and soon was increased to $25,000. Funds were raised through individual donations, private in-home concerts, and a weekly show poolside at the Crown & Anchor, in cooperation with Rick Murray, featuring a diverse lineup of local and international performers including John Cameron Mitchell, Bitch, Varla Jean Merman, Dina Martina, Miss Richfield, Zoe Lewis & The Social Distancers, Elle Emenopé, Qya Cristál, Travis Nesbitt, Edmund Bagnell, Brian Calhoon, and others.

“Provincetown has stepped up time and time again to help those in need in our community,” said Jonathan Hawkins, PPAF co-creator and owner of Live from Provincetown. “So many beloved Ptown performers have used their talents to raise funds for worthy causes, and these artists, whose contributions make up the fabric of our community, now need our help. We are grateful to The Arts Foundation of Cape Cod and The Palette Fund for making this initiative possible.”

“We are so honored to help launch and support this great initiative that will allow our beloved performing arts community to remain hopeful and return to working in Provincetown as soon as this pandemic is over,” said Terrence Meck, Co-Founder and President of The Palette Fund. “Provincetown would not be the same without the arts, and we all must do what we can to support each other during these unprecedented times.”

“The arts create jobs, attract tourists, and draw much-needed revenue to the Cape’s year-round economy,” said Julie Wake, executive director of the Arts Foundation of Cape Cod. “Now is the time to support our artists who bring us so much joy, not just during good times, but difficult ones like we’re currently facing. The Provincetown Performing Arts Fund is a true community collaboration and the Arts Foundation is so proud to support the efforts.”

The fund recently met its $25,000 goal and will continue to raise funds towards a $30,000 goal. “COVID-19 restrictions continue, so we are going to continue as well,” said Hawkins. “Currently, we can offer assistance to more than 25 applicants, and we would love to double that number and help even more of our community, especially before the winter season.”

Those interested in applying for funds need to meet a set of criteria that include being a full-time resident of Provincetown or have worked in the Provincetown performing arts industry for three full Summer seasons and be 18 years of age or older. The PPAF and Arts Foundation of Cape Cod have assembled selection committees that will work together to choose the recipients. The fund will provide up to $1000 per applicant. Applications are reviewed weekly and applicants will be notified of status within 10 business days of their submission. Fund distribution will begin at the end of September and will be distributed until funding runs out.

The list of criteria and application are available at provincetownperformingartsfund.com/apply-1. Tax-deductible donations to the fund are still being accepted, and 100% of each donation will go directly to artists in need. To donate, visit artsfoundation.org/provincetown-performing-arts-fund/.

The Provincetown Performing Arts Fund (PPAF) strives to provide stability and life-saving support to the community of performance artists in Provincetown affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The PPAF serves performance artists, musicians, theatre professionals, and technical production staff. The fund’s vision is a Provincetown that supports its vibrant community of performance artists to encourage economic growth, build community, and inspire creativity. For more information, visit provincetownperformingartsfund.com.

PAAM’s Youth Programs Return Virtually

The Youth Education Programs offered by Provincetown Art Association and Museum (PAAM) are now accepting applications. Young artists, ages 10-18, are encouraged to apply for the upcoming Art Reach season, the fall session began online October 3. All classes are currently being held online, and PAAM will evaluate a return to in-person learning in the Museum School Studios in late 2020. The spring session begins January 9, 2021.

Applications are also being accepted for The Reaching Forward Mentor Program: mentors work up to 8 hours per week honing their skills as artists and peer leaders, working directly with youth in our Art Reach program. 

Learn more about PAAM’s Youth Programs at paam.org/youth.

Alzheimer’s Family Support Center’s 2020 Virtual Walk & Give for Alzheimer’s

The Alzheimer’s Family Support Center (AFSC) is launching its fall fundraiser The Alzheimer’s Family Support Center’s 2020 Virtual Walk & Give for Alzheimer’s. In place of the AFSC’s annual fall Walk for Alzheimer’s in Provincetown, this online campaign asks anyone in the community to take a walk wherever they are (walking is optional – not required!), donate $5 to the AFSC, and invite five others to do the same. Having led a similar successful campaign last spring, they are hopeful that with the community’s participation, this easy, pay-it-forward strategy can allow them to meet their fall goal of $100,000 within the next six weeks.

The mandate of the Alzheimer’s Family Support Center is to provide an array of support services to individuals, families, and community members living or navigating dementia diseases free of charge, regardless of ability to pay. Founded by former caregivers and residents of the Outer Cape, the AFSC is geared to respond to the evolving needs of those served. By mid-March, when social service agencies were largely shutting down, the AFSC made a rapid and seamless pivot to online and telephonic support, offering virtual support groups, counseling, care planning, education, social and cultural programming for caregivers and people living with dementia diseases. They secured electronic tablets for those needing them, and trained their elder cohort, many new to Zoom and participation in online community.

The AFSC now offers almost twenty bi-weekly support groups, for caregivers, people living with AD/dementia, and those grieving the loss of someone with AD/dementia. They’ve designed new programs to support professional caregivers at facilities across the Cape. The Savvy Caregiver, a six-week caregiver training course, is being offered online on a rolling basis. Operating from home offices, their clinical team conducts daily online and phone meetings that provide care planning, case management, and counseling as needed. They produce a nightly email blast that reaches nearly 5,000 people, with current information about the pandemic, ideas for keeping loved ones occupied at home, and other inspirational material. They have reconvened an active Alzheimer’s volunteer program, providing accommodated tasks for people with AD/dementia to complete at home. This has the dual benefit of creating a sense of purpose while at the same time contributing to smooth day-to-day AFSC operations.

Because of their strong online presence, AFSC’s reach has increased exponentially, fielding an average of 12 new people per week seeking support, with calls coming in from across the country. Their online services have been so successful that they will continue to offer them after being able to return to face-to-face service delivery.

AFSC Executive Director Dr. Molly Perdue says, “Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the elder community, especially those living with Alzheimer’s and other dementia-related diseases, have taken a particularly hard hit. The reduction or closure of needed community resources like adult day centers and Councils on Aging, as well as in-home health services, have added to the burden on families already stressed from navigating dementia day to day. And social isolation, with its lack of social interaction and caregiver respite time, has worsened dementia symptoms in those living with dementia disease, burning out many who care for them.”

The Alzheimer’s Family Support Center’s tag line “Until there’s a cure, there’s community” has never been more apt, nor the need more immediate. They look to the incredible example set by the towns of the Outer Cape as they have risen, time and again, to address public crises of all kinds, as Provincetown did so valiantly during the dark days of the AIDS pandemic. But in order to meet the growing need for free Alzheimer’s/dementia support services during the time of COVID-19, they have had to replace their in-person fundraising events with online efforts that both raise much-needed funds while continuing to offer meaningful engagement for the AD/dementia community.

To launch a “walk” page you can email to friends and family, or to make a donation, go to secure.givelively.org/donate/alzheimers-family-caregivers-support-center-inc/2020-walk-give-for-alzheimer-s, or simply text ALZGIVE to 44-321 to make a donation.

The Alzheimer’s Family Support Center of Cape Cod provides an array of free, comprehensive services to the Cape’s Alzheimer’s/dementia community. Call 508.896.5170; email: support@capecodalz.org; or visit:

Soup Kitchen Seeking Funds for November 2 Re-opening

The Soup Kitchen in Provincetown (SKIP) will re-open on Monday, November 2. As was done at the close of last season, lunches will be boxed, bagged, and placed in the car trunks or back seats of its guests. This season, several changes have had to be made for SKIP to share space at its usual location—the Provincetown United Methodist Church (PUMC)—with the church’s thrift store.

Tall dividers were purchased to safely separate SKIP’s former dining space from the PUMC thrift store. The kitchen, where meals are prepared, will also be sealed off from the thrift store. In its designated space, SKIP volunteers will box, bag, and label lunches. The pick-up area had to be moved to the police-station side of the building. Guests are asked to pop open their trunks or lower their rear windows for deposit of the lunches. The changes have been implemented to comply with COVID-19 rules requiring that SKIP’s food service not be mixed with the thrift store’s operation. (This was not an issue at the end of last season, when the thrift store was closed.)

To cover the added expenses and to feed the additional guests expected in its upcoming season, SKIP anticipates the need for greater funding. It will continue its Sponsor a Lunch program (SLP), whereby individuals, businesses, and organizations may underwrite a day’s meals and Friday’s “to-go” meals, while gaining community appreciation. SKIP announces and publicizes contributors of $250 or more on Facebook. In addition, the donor’s generosity is posted on a signboard in the pick-up area on the day of their sponsorship.

Because SKIP is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization, all donations are tax-deductible. SLP contributions may be made in honor of a person or group or to commemorate a birthday, an anniversary, or other milestone. Donations may also be made anonymously. All donations are acknowledged with a thank-you/receipt.

On average, SKIP spends $250 a day on food to prepare more than 125 meals. That’s after food donations from the Greater Boston Food Bank, local restaurants, businesses, and individuals. SLP or donations of any amount are welcome and may be made online at skipfood.org or mailed to SKIP, P.O. Box 538, Provincetown, MA 02657.

“SLP and other donations bring SKIP much-needed funding for the hearty meals prepared daily by our dedicated volunteers,” said Philip Franchini, SKIP board chair. “These loyal women and men make a remarkable community resource possible.”

Open to all, the soup kitchen operates weekdays from November through April. In its 2019-2020 season, SKIP operated for an additional five weeks and served more than 15,000 meals. That number is expected to rise in the upcoming season due to unemployment and other hardships related to COVID-19. “The free daily lunch can fill the gap in a winter economy that stretches the budgets of many people in our community,” said Franchini. “Besides the usual seasonal shortfall, we anticipate a greater need due to the pandemic.” More information on SKIP can be found at skipfood.org.

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Ginger Mountain

Ginger Mountain (MS Communications Media, BA Fine Arts/Teaching Certification K-12) has been part of the graphic design team at Provincetown Magazine since 2008. Ginger has worked as a creative director, individual contractor, and freelance designer with clients representing many areas —business software, consumer products, professional services, entertainment, and network hardware to name just a few — providing creative layout and development of a wide range of print media content. Her clients ranged from small local businesses to large corporations and Fortune 500 companies, from New Hampshire to Georgia

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