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Q & A with Jamie Morris

Jamie Morris

Jamie Morris is no stranger to Provincetown. His latest world premiere play in town is The Devil Wears Payless, a spoof of the Meryl Streep starrer The Devil Wears Prada about the trials and tribulations of working for an awful boss. But before this, the playwright has had four other plays premiere here, and several others produced elsewhere. Morris took a moment to chat with us about his latest show and what’s coming next.

Provincetown Magazine: You’ve become quite a fixture of the Provincetown performance scene. When did you first come to town and how many plays have you presented over the years?

Jamie Morris: My first summer was in 2001. I came to support my partner Christopher Kenney a.k.a. Edie to help support him and promote his show. My first show was Mommie Queerest in 2003. I’ve since written and produced seven parody plays, five of which world premiered right here in Provincetown including The Facts of Life: The Lost Episode (2004), The Silence of the Clams (2007), and Schartt$ Creek (2022). 

PM: What keeps you coming back to Provincetown?

JM: Provincetown is my happy place. It’s truly one of the most magical places on the planet. That I get to live and work here for five months with my partner and be embraced by this community feels like we’ve both won the lottery. It’s never lost on me how blessed I am to do what I love in a town that I’m in love with. And that I’ve been embraced and trusted by a venue like the Post Office Cabaret doesn’t hurt either. It feels like family. And my cast! I truly lucked out with this talented group of local actors – Jonathan Joseph Peters, Eden Allegretti, Harrison Fish. It’s lightning in a bottle!

PM: What’s key to writing a good parody?

JM: The key is to connect with the original source material. I always say you can’t parody something you don’t love. The other key is to pick something that you think the audience will connect with. After all, the audience is the boss. They’ll let you know if it lands … or not. 

PM: What was it about The Devil Wears Prada that makes is so ripe to lampoon?

JM: Prada is one of those movies that just hit. It connected with audiences back in 2006 and it still resonates. It is so full of quotable lines and iconic moments. Whenever it’s on, I have to watch it. And I’m pretty sure I’m not alone. It’s one of those movies that holds up and still feels fresh 18 years later.

PM: What does it take to present a fierce Miranda Priestly?

JM: Oh, Miranda. What a legend! I asked this of myself when I played Moira in Schartt$, “Who the hell am I to try to tackle a role that the genius Catherine O’Hara put her stamp on?” And now Meryl Streep?! Am I an idiot? Probably. But it’s too late now. Meryl made this brilliant choice to never yell or raise her voice as Miranda. It’s so impactful. It’s more frightening. It’s all in the eyes. I do a lot of “eye acting” and just pray it works!

PM: We’ve heard tell that our own associate editor Steve Desroches is a character in The Devil Wears Payless? Is he a villain or a hero in the story?

JM: Steve is a character in the show. He’s definitely a hero. He gives Andy a new beginning by offering her a job at … Provincetown Magazine!

PM: Any hint as to what you’re working on next?

JM: I have a few ideas. One is a mash-up of a classic 80s sitcom and a campy movie. I usually announce it before I leave to go back to Las Vegas for the winter. So stay tuned!

The Devil Wears Payless by Jamie Morris is performed Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays at 7:30 p.m. through October 6 at the Post Office Cabaret, 303 Commercial St., Provincetown. For tickets ($35/$40 VIP) and information call 508.487.0008 or visit postofficecafe.net.

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Ginger Mountain (MS Communications Media, BA Fine Arts/Teaching Certification K-12) has been part of the graphic design team at Provincetown Magazine since 2008. Ginger has worked as a creative director, individual contractor, and freelance designer with clients representing many areas —business software, consumer products, professional services, entertainment, and network hardware to name just a few — providing creative layout and development of a wide range of print media content. Her clients ranged from small local businesses to large corporations and Fortune 500 companies, from New Hampshire to Georgia

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